This barbershop-style revue musical tells the story of four friends - Sparky, Jinx, Smudge, and Francis – who form the group “The Plaids”, just four nice young men who love singing harmony. They practice in the basement of Smudge’s family’s plumbing supply company, play proms and department stores, and dream about success. When the Plaids are killed in a car accident on the way to their first big gig, the young men linger in limbo, as unresolved as their final chord until the conjunction of various “astro-technical” phenomena allows them to return to Earth, perform their final concert, and hopefully win a place in Heaven - and the deluxe plaid dinner jackets of their dreams!
Directed by Martin McNelis, the cast of four features Cillian Fahy, Colm Hogan, Ethan Cassley and Conor McNelis. Tickets are €15 and can be booked on, or via phone on 087 413 6822.
Muse are proud once again to be supported by the Shannon Springs Hotel and EI Electronics.
The play will be showing for a total of three nights in The Hope Café in Shannon from the 12th to the 14th of September. Make sure to get your tickets soon before they sell out!
Eoin Sheedy
10 September 2024